Research Areas
Data Science and Data Mining
Natural Language and Speech
Business Intelligence
Robotics and Autonomous Driving
Computer Vision
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
High Performance Computing
Quantum Computing
AI Colloquium
Research Areas
Data Science and Data Mining
Natural Language and Speech
Business Intelligence
Robotics and Autonomous Driving
Computer Vision
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
High Performance Computing
Quantum Computing
AI Colloquium
Research Areas
Data Science and Data Mining
We are working on cutting-edge research to better harness big data. We work extensively on predictive analytics, aiming to generate actionable and testable hypotheses based on large amounts of data and previous experiences.
Natural Language and Speech
Our research focuses on people and computers using human languages to interact. We are developing and improving the world's most sophisticated and comprehensive technology powering Baidu's major products.
Business Intelligence
Our mission is to conduct interdisciplinary data-intensive research and identify disruptive data analytics tools for new business products and solutions, which deliver significant value to both the company and society.
Robotics and Autonomous Driving
RAL focuses on robotics research, with the applications to autonomous driving, industry robots and service robots. We aim at developing holistic solutions and bridging the gap between academic research and industrial applications.
Computer Vision
We are working on computer vision technologies for a higher level of understanding cued from the visual world around us. Our research spans computer graphics and computer vision, and in particular, 3D reconstruction and 3D data analysis.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
The goal of our research is to build machines that can learn from their interactions with both the environment and human beings.
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Healthcare is one the most heavily utilized areas on Baidu’s search platform. AI allows us to take on long standing challenges in healthcare and medical research.
High Performance Computing
Deep learning research and product development benefits from increases in scale, leading to larger networks trained with more data on powerful parallel hardware.
Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing is believed to be the heart of the next-generation computing technology. Our mission at Baidu Research is to be a world-class Quantum Artificial Intelligence (AI) research strength,